To Britain: Save the World, Get Rid of Tony Blair.

To Britain: Save the World, Get Rid of Tony Blair.

As the menace to humanity, George W. Bush lies and cheats his way to gain control of the United States and the rest of the world for another four years, voters of Britain have become the most powerful influence to stopping the Republican Christian Right Nazis.

How so? Right now the world needs a British leader that will not be George W's bum boy. Already,Tony Blair is telling his Labour Party not to endorse John Kerry and his fellow democrats in the next presidential election.

Tony Blair has willingly sold himself and his party to the Bush Nazis. This is a very dangerous time for the six billion plus people on the planet.

To become a Bush Nazi, you must embrace the following:

1. Consider all non-white, non- christian, non heterosexuals and women as disposable. That is, their lives are worth less than the Southern US white heterosexual Christian male.

2. All of the planet's natural resources are there to be exploited and raped to the point of extinction.

3. The people of the United States are first to benefit from medicines and food and the many riches in the world. Whatever is left goes to poor countries if they follow American policy and orders. That is, if you don't play ball with the Americans, than you die.

The world has not seen a more dangerous man as George W. Bush since Adolph Hitler attempted to conquer the world.
Within this Nazi Christian Right that is spreading through the United States like cancer, comes an immense hatred for those who believe that all humans are equal.

The only people in the world who can contain the dangerous and deadly Republican Christian Zealouts are the people of Britain.

HOW? by doing the following:

1. Come together as one and send thousands, even millions of letters to the Labour Party telling them to kick Tony Blair out of the party and remove him as Prime Minister.

2. If Tony Blair is not removed, vote for the party that publicly states George W. Bush and the Republican Nazis do not control them and never will.

3. Vote for the party that will remove all British Troops from Iraq unless the United Nations takes over reconstruction of Iraq.

4. Vote for the party that promises to get the United Nations headquarters moved out of the United States to a European country.

5. Vote for the party that promises to unite European countries to make a large influential superpower.

Reader,I am sure you can think of many more points other than the five listed above.

The most important point of this article is:

Britain, you have the power to stop the spread of George W. Bush Fascism. Save the planet!!! Get rid of Blair !!! The world is counting on you !!!

TrysDan Roberts is a freelance writer and published author of the novel, The Sinking Of Noah's Ark, and as well, several published short stories. TrysDan owns and operates The Spruce
Cove Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Nova Scotia, Canada.
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